Here are the types of employment positions we can help you secure:

  1. Technician/field service roles (mechanical, electrical, electronic, and nuclear)
  2. Production/maintenance supervisors (technical leaders, quality control)
  3. Engineers (mechanical, electrical, and nuclear engineering technology)
  4. Information technology positions (networking, security, software, and support)
  5. Light Industry Roles (operators, setup, and manufacturing)
  6. Logistics (supply chain and warehouse management)

Our process at Pathfinder Resources is simple yet succinct – your future position is only four steps away.

  1. Submit your profile to us on our website: Upload Profile
  2. We personally screen you for current job opportunities with companies we work with.
  3. We assist you with both resume and interview preparation.
  4. We submit you for job opportunities and schedule your interviews.

Getting ready for a Skype interview?

The video below will give you some tips on lighting, sound, and camera position to help you look your best.